On the Road as a Student-Athlete

Alexis PitchfordStaff Writer Part of the stereotypical perspectives of student-athletes are that we either don’t go to class or don’t do our homework. People perceive us as focusing more on the athlete part of our lives than the student part. During last weekend’s road trip to Johnson City and Chattanooga to play East Tennessee State and Chattanooga, respectively, a city local asked me, “What is … Continue reading On the Road as a Student-Athlete

Pros and Cons of Being a Student-Athlete

Alexis Pitchford Staff Writer It’s rare that a student-athlete ever wakes up and says, “What am I going to do today?” because their schedule is practically the same every day. A typical athlete’s day looks like this: go to class(es), excel in a 2-3-hour practice, lift weights, complete a recovery session, go to study hall, then go to bed. As an athlete, off days feel … Continue reading Pros and Cons of Being a Student-Athlete

Previewing the UNCG Basketball Season with Kyrin Galloway

Monique Williams Staff Writer It is officially September. November is only two months away. That means college basketball action will be in full effect. What does that mean for fans and members of Spartan Nation? It means the world will see the new and improved UNCG men’s basketball team. The Carolinian spoke with one of the players, Kyrin Galloway, junior forward for the UNCG men’s … Continue reading Previewing the UNCG Basketball Season with Kyrin Galloway

UNCG Student-Athletes and Mental Health: Part Two

Andrew Salmon Sports Editor Last week, we discussed the policies and protocols in place for the treatment of UNCG’s student-athletes seeking help with mental illness. This week, we examine mental health stigmas and physical causes of mental health issues in student-athletes. Anonymous student-athletes and Jay McCloy, Assistant Athletic Director for Health and Sports Performance at UNCG, all agreed that there is a stigma against student-athletes … Continue reading UNCG Student-Athletes and Mental Health: Part Two

UNCG Student-Athletes and Mental Health: Part One

Andrew Salmon Sports Editor It’s already hard enough, being a college student. There’s pressure—so much pressure—and not enough time in the day. Pressure to study, pressure to bring good grades back home, pressure to lead an active social life and pressure to succeed. Throw in a sport, and you suddenly have a 40-hour-a-week commitment and ideal conditions for mental health problems. A student-athlete, who requested … Continue reading UNCG Student-Athletes and Mental Health: Part One

You Are What You Eat: Comparing the Diets of Students vs Student Athletes

Isaiah Saint-Hilaire Staff Writer When going into college, many students are worried about the infamous freshman 15. This is a phenomenon in which they gain 15 pounds during their first year as a student. They’re afraid that because they’re not at home, they may eat everything from the cafeteria. Or that they may be so busy with studying and other commitments that they will not … Continue reading You Are What You Eat: Comparing the Diets of Students vs Student Athletes